Cardiovascular disease is a series of diseases involving the circulatory system. The circulatory system refers to the organs and tissues that transport blood in the human body. So it is also called "circulatory system disease". Mainly including the heart, the blood vessel these parts. Chronic diseases and acute diseases are commonly associated with atherosclerosis. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:
Palpitation is the syndrome of subjective sensation and objective sign. Subjectively, the patient feels a rapid, irregular, or throbbing pulsation of the heart. Objective examination shows that the heart rate is too high, too slow or uneven, that is, changes in heart rate and heart rhythm
Dyspnea is also a combination of subjective and objective signs. Subjective sense of breathing effort, objectively increased number of breaths, action faster and increased amplitude.
Symptoms of dyspnea can occur in various organs of the chest. Such as cerebral infarction, pneumonia, acute pneumothorax, airway obstruction, chest wall muscle inflammation, rib fracture, etc., and even skin zoster disease, pain can also lead to respiratory difficulties. Heart disease, heart disease, dyspnea tend to be gradual and progressive.
1., exercise dyspnea: the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of kidney disease testing in normal sports also have difficulty breathing, feeling, stop moving, will soon recover. Heart disease symptoms occur when normal people do not experience dyspnea, and recover slowly or even without recovery.
2. sit breath: the patient can not lie flat or can not be long lying on the floor, leaning, even sitting at the end of the two lower limbs hanging at the bedside. The mechanism that cannot lie flat is
Supine, the lower limbs and abdominal cavity of the blood lose gravity, return to the heart, increasing the workload of the heart;
Lower lung capacity during supine. In normal people, the lung capacity in supine position was slightly decreased (-5%), and the lung capacity dropped more (up to -25%) because of pulmonary congestion.
3. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: also referred to as "cardiogenic asthma", as distinguished from asthma caused by lung diseases. In addition to the above two mechanisms, the sensitivity of the respiratory center decreased after sleep, and the congestion of the lungs to a certain extent caused obvious hypoxia, causing the patient to wake up from sleep and felt extremely difficult to breathe. The patient changed from sitting position to sitting position or even standing position immediately, and symptoms gradually relieved.
4. acute pulmonary edema: the most serious type of dyspnea, which can affect the patient's life, requires emergency treatment. The patient presented with extreme dyspnea, sitting, breathing, marked hypoxia, coughing, pink frothy sputum.
Cyanosis is signs, refers to the mucous membrane and skin cyanosed. The reduction of hemoglobin (without oxygen saturated hemoglobin) in vivo is more than 5g% (6~7vol% unsaturation). Cyanosis mechanism for blood hemoglobin, excessive, and blood stasis. There are two kinds of central and peripheral type.
1.: center type occurs in the level of heart and lung organ. Arterial blood is not saturated with oxygen or mixed with excessive oxygenated blood. Congenital heart disease with right to left shunt, such as tetralogy of Fallot, Eisenmann G S's syndrome, and septal defect due to elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, occurs late right to left shunt. An important cause of lung disease caused by blood oxygenation is the central cyanosis. In severe heart failure, lung congestion influence oxygenation produces central cyanosis.
The center type purple is aggravated during exercise. Long term oxygen saturation may result in increased hemoglobin and clubbing of digits.
2. peripheral cyanosis: in the peripheral blood flow rate is too slow, the uptake of tissue per unit time too much oxygen. Peripheral cyanosis when the activity has no obvious increase.
In heart failure, the blood flow is slow and the surrounding tissues take more oxygen. Therefore, the comprehensive two forms of cyanosis.
Vertigo is a common clinical symptom, the body is directional spatial relations for sensory disturbance or balance sensory disturbances, make patients around the scenery or itself in rotating and shaking, vertigo is often accompanied by imbalance, standing instability and nausea and vomiting, pale, sweating, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure and other autonomic nervous system disorders symptoms.
Syncope is a clinical symptom of transient cortical, transient, transient, transient loss of consciousness resulting from transient generalized ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in transient cortical dysfunction. Before the loss of consciousness, usually accompanied by facial pallor, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating and other autonomic dysfunction.
The most common cause of syncope is:
1. reflex syncope is the most common type of syncope accounted for about 90% of the total, mostly through the vasovagal reflex, leading to cardiac inhibition and systemic vasodilatation, caused by blood flow decreased, decreased cardiac output and lead to cerebral ischemia and hypoxia induced syncope. Most of them, the baroreceptor reflex arc on afferent pathway dysfunction. The common clinical simple syncope (vasodepressor syncope), orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension syncope), carotid sinus syncope, cough syncope, micturition syncope, swallowing syncope etc..
2. cardiogenic syncope: syncope resulting from a sudden decrease in cardiac output. Common causes include: arrhythmia: common complete atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome, paroxysmal supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia, ventricular flutter, ventricular fibrillation, etc.. Heart attack disorder: acute pericardial tamponade, acute myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, left atrial myxoma, high stenosis of aorta or carotid artery, etc..
3. brain
Palpitation is the syndrome of subjective sensation and objective sign. Subjectively, the patient feels a rapid, irregular, or throbbing pulsation of the heart. Objective examination shows that the heart rate is too high, too slow or uneven, that is, changes in heart rate and heart rhythm
Dyspnea is also a combination of subjective and objective signs. Subjective sense of breathing effort, objectively increased number of breaths, action faster and increased amplitude.
Symptoms of dyspnea can occur in various organs of the chest. Such as cerebral infarction, pneumonia, acute pneumothorax, airway obstruction, chest wall muscle inflammation, rib fracture, etc., and even skin zoster disease, pain can also lead to respiratory difficulties. Heart disease, heart disease, dyspnea tend to be gradual and progressive.
1., exercise dyspnea: the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of kidney disease testing in normal sports also have difficulty breathing, feeling, stop moving, will soon recover. Heart disease symptoms occur when normal people do not experience dyspnea, and recover slowly or even without recovery.
2. sit breath: the patient can not lie flat or can not be long lying on the floor, leaning, even sitting at the end of the two lower limbs hanging at the bedside. The mechanism that cannot lie flat is
Supine, the lower limbs and abdominal cavity of the blood lose gravity, return to the heart, increasing the workload of the heart;
Lower lung capacity during supine. In normal people, the lung capacity in supine position was slightly decreased (-5%), and the lung capacity dropped more (up to -25%) because of pulmonary congestion.
3. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: also referred to as "cardiogenic asthma", as distinguished from asthma caused by lung diseases. In addition to the above two mechanisms, the sensitivity of the respiratory center decreased after sleep, and the congestion of the lungs to a certain extent caused obvious hypoxia, causing the patient to wake up from sleep and felt extremely difficult to breathe. The patient changed from sitting position to sitting position or even standing position immediately, and symptoms gradually relieved.
4. acute pulmonary edema: the most serious type of dyspnea, which can affect the patient's life, requires emergency treatment. The patient presented with extreme dyspnea, sitting, breathing, marked hypoxia, coughing, pink frothy sputum.
Cyanosis is signs, refers to the mucous membrane and skin cyanosed. The reduction of hemoglobin (without oxygen saturated hemoglobin) in vivo is more than 5g% (6~7vol% unsaturation). Cyanosis mechanism for blood hemoglobin, excessive, and blood stasis. There are two kinds of central and peripheral type.
1.: center type occurs in the level of heart and lung organ. Arterial blood is not saturated with oxygen or mixed with excessive oxygenated blood. Congenital heart disease with right to left shunt, such as tetralogy of Fallot, Eisenmann G S's syndrome, and septal defect due to elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, occurs late right to left shunt. An important cause of lung disease caused by blood oxygenation is the central cyanosis. In severe heart failure, lung congestion influence oxygenation produces central cyanosis.
The center type purple is aggravated during exercise. Long term oxygen saturation may result in increased hemoglobin and clubbing of digits.
2. peripheral cyanosis: in the peripheral blood flow rate is too slow, the uptake of tissue per unit time too much oxygen. Peripheral cyanosis when the activity has no obvious increase.
In heart failure, the blood flow is slow and the surrounding tissues take more oxygen. Therefore, the comprehensive two forms of cyanosis.
Vertigo is a common clinical symptom, the body is directional spatial relations for sensory disturbance or balance sensory disturbances, make patients around the scenery or itself in rotating and shaking, vertigo is often accompanied by imbalance, standing instability and nausea and vomiting, pale, sweating, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure and other autonomic nervous system disorders symptoms.
Syncope is a clinical symptom of transient cortical, transient, transient, transient loss of consciousness resulting from transient generalized ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in transient cortical dysfunction. Before the loss of consciousness, usually accompanied by facial pallor, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating and other autonomic dysfunction.
The most common cause of syncope is:
1. reflex syncope is the most common type of syncope accounted for about 90% of the total, mostly through the vasovagal reflex, leading to cardiac inhibition and systemic vasodilatation, caused by blood flow decreased, decreased cardiac output and lead to cerebral ischemia and hypoxia induced syncope. Most of them, the baroreceptor reflex arc on afferent pathway dysfunction. The common clinical simple syncope (vasodepressor syncope), orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension syncope), carotid sinus syncope, cough syncope, micturition syncope, swallowing syncope etc..
2. cardiogenic syncope: syncope resulting from a sudden decrease in cardiac output. Common causes include: arrhythmia: common complete atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome, paroxysmal supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia, ventricular flutter, ventricular fibrillation, etc.. Heart attack disorder: acute pericardial tamponade, acute myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, left atrial myxoma, high stenosis of aorta or carotid artery, etc..
3. brain